Legal status of the right of religious freedom in Cuba after the 2019 Constitutional reform

AutorTeresa I Flores
CargoTeresa I. Flores is a Peruvian lawyer, with experience in the research and study of religious freedom in the region and current director of the Observatory of Religious Freedom in Latin America. ORCID 0009-0001-6817-8062. Email:
Revista Derecho en Sociedad, ULACIT–Costa Rica, V. 18. No. 2. Año 2024, setiembre. ISSN 2215-2490
Legal status of the right of religious freedom
in Cuba after the 2019 Constitutional reform
Situación jurídica del derecho a la libertad religiosa
en Cuba tras la reforma Constitucional de 2019
Teresa I. Flores 1 2
How to cite:
Flores, T.I. (2024). Legal status of the right of religious freedom in Cuba after the 2019 Con-
stitutional reform. Derecho en Sociedad, 18(2), PP. 257-271. DOI: 10.63058/des.v18i2.248
Submission received: 27 July 2024. Accepted: 10 August 2024.
1 Teresa I. Flores is a Peruvia n lawyer, with experience in the resea rch and study of religious freedom i n the region
and current di rector of the Observatory of Religious Freedom in L atin America . ORCID 0009- 0001-6817-8062.
2 This manus cript builds upon a publication that or iginally appeared i n Canopy Forum, a digital platform from t he
Center for the Study of Law and Rel igion at Emory University: -
legal-fra mework-and-its-impac t-on-religious -freedom/.

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