Private Funding at High-Level Elections: the Costa Rican Case for Explaining Vote Increase
Autor | David Gamboa Solano |
Cargo | David Gamboa Solano holds a Research Master in Comparative Politics from Sciences Po Paris; European and Social Studies degree from King's College London; undergraduate degree in political sciences from Sciences Po Paris, specializing in the Ibero-American region; Junior Advisor at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC... |
Revista Derecho en Sociedad, ULACIT–Costa Rica, V. 18. No. 2. Año 2024, setiembre. ISSN 2215-2490
Private Funding at High-Level Elections:
the Costa Rican Case for Explaining Vote Increase
Financiación privada en elecciones de alto nivel:
el caso costarricense para explicar el aumento de votos
David Gamboa Solano 1
How to cite:
Gamboa Solano, D. (2024). Private Funding at High-Level Elections: the Costa Rican Case
Derecho en Sociedad, 18(2), PP. 161-179. DOI: 10.63058/des.
Submission received: 3 May 2024. Accepted: 26 August 2024.
1 David Gamboa Sola no holds a Research Master i n Comparative Politics from Sciences Po Paris; Europe an and
Social Studie s degree from Ki ng’s College London; undergraduate degree in political sciences from Sciences Po
Paris, specia lizing in t he Ibero-Ame rican region; Junior Advisor at the Organ isation for Economic Co- operation
and Development (OECD), contributing to tax policy a nd administ ration research. ORCID: 0009-0 006- 6136-
5590. Email: david.gamboas
Gamboa Solano: Private Funding at High-Level Elections:
the Costa Rican Case for Explaining Vote Increase
Revista Derecho en Sociedad, ULACIT–Costa Rica, V. 18. No. 2. Año 2024, setiembre. ISSN 2215-2490
This paper examines the role of private and public funding in shaping electoral outcomes
in Costa Rica, focusing on the period from 2010 to 2020. Drawing on data from multiple
cant roles. The analysis reveals that private funding strongly predicts electoral performance,
ing broader public support and contributing to electoral success. Additionally, the study
to accumulate votes across different elections, further enhancing their electoral prospects.
The interaction between public and private funding highlights the complexity of Costa Ri-
for continued efforts to ensure transparency and fairness in electoral processes. The paper
concludes by discussing the broader implications of these results for electoral systems in
Latin America and suggesting areas for future research.
in America
resultados electorales en Costa Rica, con un enfoque en el período de 2010 a 2020. Basado
de una mayor visibilidad y la capacidad de acumular votos a lo largo de diferentes elecciones,
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