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Establishing a Business Entity in Costa Rica (Updated)
1. Types of Business Entities in Costa Rica - The most common types of business entities in Costa Rica are Corporations, known in Spanish as “Sociedades Anónimas” (also referred to as “S.A.´s”), and Limited Liability Companies, known in Spanish as “Sociedades de Responsabilidad Limitada” (also referred to as “Limitada,” “Ltda” or “SRLA”), which the Costa Rican Code of Commerce governs.
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Buying and Selling Real Estate in Costa Rica (Updated)
KEY FACTS OF REAL ESTATE ACQUISITIONS UNDER COSTA RICAN LAW - General - Real estate law in Costa Rica is governed by the principles established in the Costa Rican Civil Code for acquiring, selling, and disposing of property. The official registration of real property is made through a registry system, which the Real Property Registry of the Costa Rican National Registry administers. This system consists of a deed registration system, which provides for the public registration of legal instruments affecting land.
- Different Types Of Companies / Legal Entity Structures In Costa Rica
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- The Top 10 Challenges Of Doing Business In Costa Rica
- Adjustment To Visa Stamp Policy
Buying and Selling Real Estate in Costa Rica (Updated)
KEY FACTS OF REAL ESTATE ACQUISITIONS UNDER COSTA RICAN LAW - General - Real estate law in Costa Rica is governed by the principles established in the Costa Rican Civil Code for acquiring, selling and in any way disposing of property. The official registration of real property is made through a registry system, which is administered by the Real Property Registry of the Costa Rican National Registry. This system consists of a registration deed system, which provides for the public registration of instruments affecting land. Please see full Chapter below for more information.
Establishing A Business Entity In Costa Rica (Updated)
1. Types of Business Entities in Costa Rica - The most common types of business entities in Costa Rica are Corporations, known as Sociedades Anónimas (also referred to as “S.A.”), and Limited Liability Companies, known as Sociedades de Responsabilidad Limitada (also referred to as “Limitada” or “Ltda.”), which are governed by the Costa Rican Code of Commerce. Please see full Chapter below for more information.