The arbitrability of corporate disputes: latin america and western europe in comparative perspective

AutorSara Scordo
CargoGraduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavia. She is an academic tutor and teacher assistant for International Commercial Law, European Law, Public International Law, Private International Law, and Sociology of Law. She participated in the 23rd Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot as a team member, coached ...
VII Edición, II semestre 2017
Sara Scordo*
: Este artículo se enfoca en el arbitraje comercial a nivel internacional, analizando el principal método alternativo
de resolución de conflictos entre socios. Cada vez es más frecuente que las sociedades incluyan cláusulas de arbitraje en sus
estatutos y sometan a arbitraje las controversias que se planteen. A través de este artículo se examinan los problemas actuales
que enfrenta el desarrollo del arbitraje como método de resolución de controversias supletorio a la vía judicial y se explican
efectos, ventajas y desventajas de este medio de resolución de litigios. Se analiza la legislación existente en materia arbitral en
Latinoamérica, con un estudio comparativo de los sistemas vigentes en algunos países de Europa Occidental que se han consi-
derado representativos. Frente a la escasez de trabajos comparativos sobre este tema, el presente estudio trata del rico debate
doctrinal y de las interpretaciones de la jurisprudencia de las cortes superiores y tribunales distritales. El objetivo es analizar
los temas clave, como la arbitrabilidad de los conflictos societarios para abordar la cuestión de la disponibilidad de derechos y
la protección de intereses generales. El propósito es contribuir, con los resultados del estudio, a una mejor comprensión de
legislaciones nacionales vigentes en materia de arbitraje y comparar distintos enfoques.
Palabras clave
: arbitraje comercial arbitrabilidad Latinoamérica comparado
The article focuses on company arbitration, analysing the most relevant alternative remedy to solve boardroom and
shareholder disputes. Arbitration agreements are generally inserted in corporate statutes to resolve any potential disputes arising
between the parties. An arbitration clause included in a corporation’s constitution gives providers of capital, directors, managers,
employees, and stakeholders a readily available mechanism for dealing with their disputes. More specifically, the article examines
the difficulties with the development of arbitration as alternative mechanism to solve inter-company disputes and tries to inves-
tigate effects, advantages and disadvantages of this legal instrument. It analyses the regulations settled by some Latin American
countries in comparison with several West European civil legal systems. In view of the relative scarcity of comparative studies
on this matter, the study deals with the doctrinal debate and the jurisprudential interpretations provided by the courts. The aim
is to analyse the most relevant topics, like the arbitrability of corporate disputes addressing the issue of disposable rights and
protection of general interests. The purpose of the article is to contribute to a better understanding of national regulations of
arbitration and to compare alternative approaches.
: arbitration corporate arbitrability Latin America comparative
* Sara Scordo graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavia. She is an academic tutor and teacher assistant for
International Commerc ial Law, European L aw, Public International Law, Private International Law, and Sociology of Law.
She participated in the 23rd Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot as a team member,
coached University of Pavia
team for the 24th edition, and participated as an arbitrator in various Pre-moots in Italy and Germany. I
n 2017, she spent a
research period at the prestigious international Institute for Comparative Law, Conflict of Laws and International Business Law in Heidel-
berg, Germany.
Beside International Commercial Arbitration, her other areas of interest are: Private International Law, Business
Law, and Comparative Corporate Law. Contact information:
Fecha de postulac ión del artículo: 28 de septiembr e de 20 17. Fecha de aprobación d el artículo: 10 d e julio d e 2017

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