The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on labor force participation of women working in the tourism sector for small businesses in Costa Rica

AutorPaulo Sherab Keirzer & Erika Brünker Zumbado
CargoVisiting Researcher of The Hague University at the Observatory on Sustainable Development Goals and her volunteer research assistant from ULACIT’s School of International Relations
Rhombus- ULACIT | vol. 3, núm. 1 | E nero-junio del 202 3 | ISSN: 1659-16 23 94
The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on labor force
participation of women working in the tourism
sector for small businesses in Costa Rica
Paulo Sherab Keirzer & Erika Brünker Zumbado
Fecha de recepción: 9 de agosto de 2022 | Fecha de aprobación: 12 de septiembre de 2022
Abstract 1
  
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             
       
 
Key words:
              
    
Rhombus- ULACIT | vol. 3, núm. 1 | E nero-junio del 202 3 | ISSN: 1659-16 23 95
Sherab Keirzer & Brünker Zumbado ENSAYO CIENTÍFICO
              
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social interactions to sustain themselves.
     
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Vulnerability of women’s employment in Costa Rica
   
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