Towards an International Court Against Terrorism: An Analysis of the Added-Value of Establishing such a Court

AutorTainá Garcia Maia
CargoIs finalizing her Master studies in Theory and Practice of Human Rights at the University of Oslo (Norway) and has a Law degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil). She recently completed a stay as a visiting professional in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and was awarded the Fritt Ord Student Scholarship for her ...
IX Edición, II semestre 2018
Towards an International Court Against Terror-
ism: An Analysis of the Added-Value of Estab-
lishing such a Court
Tainá Garcia Maia*
Desde 2001, el combate al terrorismo se consolidó como una de las grandes cuestiones en la agenda de
organizaciones internacionales y en discusiones bilaterales dirigidas a promover una respuesta más efectiva al terrorismo, incluso
a nivel judicial. El presente artículo se propone comparar dos estrategias de contraterrorismo: de un lado, el establecimiento de
una corte internacional contra el terrorismo; de otro, el combate al terrorismo por medio del ejercicio de la jurisdicción doméstica
de los Estados, asistido por la cooperación internacional. Al largo de este análisis, el artículo promoverá una discusión constante
de derechos humanos, lo que se justifica por la percepción de que contraterrorismo y derechos humanos son dos caras de una
misma moneda, y cualquier separación entre los dos es artificial y no contribuye a una estrategia efectiva de contraterrorismo.
Palabras claves:
contraterrorismo; derechos humanos; corte internacional contra el terrorismo; análisis comparativo.
From 2001 onwards, counterterrorism has been a major issue in the agenda of international organizations and
in bilateral discussions aimed at the promotion of a more effective response to terrorism, including at the Judiciary level. The
present article aims to analyse whether there is an added-value in establishing an international court against terrorism, in
comparison to domestic prosecution with the assistance of international cooperation. Throughout this analysis, the paper will
engage in a constant discussion of human rights law. This is justified by the understanding that counterterrorism and human
rights are two sides of a same coin, and any separation of the two is artificial and does not contribute to an effective
counterterrorism strategy.
Key words:
counterterrorism; human rights law; international court against terrorism; added value.
* Tainá Garcia Maia is finalizing her Master studies in Theory and Practice of Human Rights at the University of Oslo (Norway)
and has a Law degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil). She recently completed a stay as a visiting professional
in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and was awarded the Fritt Ord Student Scholarship for her Master thesis. Contac t
Fecha de postulación del artículo: 28 de octubre de 2018. Fecha de aprobación del artículo: 3 de diciembre de 2018
IX Edición, II semestre 2018
In 2015, Spain and Romania initiated consultations
on the creation of an international court against ter-
rorism. Two years later, at the opening of the 72nd
session of the United Nations (UN) General As-
sembly, the Romanian President reiterated his
country’s commitment to the creation of this court.
While the idea of creating an international court
against terrorism is not completely new and has
even been the object of academic debate, it “re-
gained momentum as a result of [the] joint Roma-
nian-Spanish initiative”, as noted by Luca Pantaleo
and Olivier Ribbelink.
It is uncertain whether the Spanish-Romanian pro-
posal will succeed. Yet, even if this proposal does
not gain support within the international commu-
nity, it is of great relevance to analyse the added
value of an international court against terrorism.
Since 2001, terrorism has been a major issue in the
public debate and in international relations, and the
discussion on international or quasi-international
alternatives to the prosecution of acts of terrorism
has been present for too long to be ignored. Addi-
tionally, the scale and frequency of terrorist attacks
point to the likelihood of a search for a more effec-
tive response, including at the Judiciary level.
Luca Pantaleo. Olivier Ribbelink (2016) “The Establish-
ment of a Special Court against Terrorism”. EJIL: Talk!
In this context, the present article aims to answer
whether there is an added-value in establishing an
international court against terrorism, instead of re-
lying exclusively on the prosecution for terrorist
acts at domestic courts, with the assistance of inter-
national cooperation. Section 2 of the paper will
present the legal basis for the exercise of domestic
jurisdiction over acts of terrorism and introduce
some advantages and disadvantages of prosecution
for these acts at the national level. Section 3 will
conduct the same analysis with regards to an inter-
national court against terrorism. The final section
will reach a tentative conclusion on whether there
is an added value on establishing an international
court against terrorism. Throughout this analysis,
the paper will engage in a constant discussion of
human rights law. This is justified by the under-
standing that counterterrorism and human rights
are two sides of a same coin, and any separation of
the two is artificial and does not contribute to an
effective counterterrorism strategy.
While defining terrorism is not the purpose of the
paper, it is necessary to introduce the definition that
is used as a basis for the analysis here conducted.
After all, how can the reader comprehend the dis-
cussion on prosecution for acts of terrorism, with-
out knowing what the author understands as con-
Cf. Karima Bennoune (2008) “Terror/Torture”, 26 Berkeley
Journal of International Law.

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